Quotes from venue owners:
“Get the f*ck out of here!”
“I am going to kill you.”
“I've only had to wear earplugs
twice in my entire life and both times were tonight.” 
Glueing back on the headstock
to the bass between shows. |

Cherry Coated Records
Studios Fredericksburg, VA

Cherry Coated Records,
Recording Music,
Reading Books about
Electronics, Circuit Bending

Pedal ideas are worked out on the solderless
breadboard and the DBA Breakout Box |

Effect Pedals, Dance Pad USB Control Devices,
Electric Guitars 12 String + Baritone w/OctaFuzz
All 4 tires slashed again.
Stolen Aims Lead Head
Smashed in windows
Stolen TV
Stolen VCR
Car battery stolen
Stolen Bass Tapes
Broken winshield wipers
Mystery bullet hole
Dead dog in a plastic bag
Burning cars
Neighbors complaining about the noise
Gabe Molnar is mugged

Hand Painted DBA Banner
by Gabe Molnar + Oliver Ackermann
Gabe Molnar goes on to form 1 Aeon
a T-Shirt Company baased out of
Brooklyn, NY. His portfolio is stolen
by Brooklyn Industries and well let's
just say they came out with a bunch
of cool shirts that year.

Silkscreened 2004 catalog 
Wrapping the pedals in one of a kind
silkscreened posters. |

Manufactured Blank Circuit Boards.
Photo By Jen Siska
List of companies that based
pedals on ideas from Death
By Audio! What an honor!
These are all great companies
/..Electrocution revolution!
Effector 13
Napalm Effects
Delorean Musical
Audible Disease
Tone Factor
+++Many More |

Oliver at the work bench. Photo By Gregory J Wilson |
Past and Current Death By Audio Pedal Builders-------------------------------------------------- |
The End of Death By Audio the Venue R.I.P. 11-22-2014